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GreenPower Solar

GPSolar is the solar solution division of GreenPower GP, we partner with notable renewable energy and power generation companies across the globe in developing a practical approach to solving power and energy problems in Nigeria. We have conducted diverse studies on renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass which has given us an in-depth understanding of suitable solutions for a different sector of the Nigeria economy. We leverage our expertise in power and partnership with credible OEMs to provide a broad range of Solar Power solutions for every application.


Our practical methods and solutions to utilizing these energy sources to supply power for Residential, Commercial and Industrial applications are unique and differentiate us from competitors. There are huge untapped potentials of the solar energy and as the technology gets cheaper and conventional energy prices rise, it is an increasingly economic choice to go Solar and choose GreenPower as your solution provider

Our specialist team is experienced in the professional application of photovoltaic systems to provide affordable fuel-free power at various locations. We provide the best design options and quality products available in the market, that can be integrated with any facilities, and are highly reliable.

We have developed expertise in the design, procurement, installation and maintenance of Solar PV systems with 20 years industry experience, our solutions are tailored towards customer-specific needs thereby offering the most cost-effective and reliable system.



The challenges of providing reliable electricity for drive Africa and of course Nigeria economy is no doubt enormous, aside from the insufficient power supply from utility companies, fuelling the diesel generators that provide a not reliable alternative can be cumbersome, expensive and subject to scarcity. When electricity from a utility is unavailable or connecting to the grid is too expensive and unpredictable, the most cost-effective solution is to use solar PV solutions to generate your power. Our solar solution can generate power on any scale.


A technology developed to works for everyone. At GreenPower we are committed to helping save money and provide clean and reliable energy solutions to individuals, communities, Utility companies, corporate, NGO and  Governments inform of Solar home systems,  micro-grid, mini-grid, commercial and industrial solar.

Solar off-grid systems are the most cost-effective solution to generate power when the utility grid is not available or available but  inadequate and unreliable

When electricity from a utility is unavailable or connecting to the grid is too expensive and unpredictable, the most cost-effective solution is to use solar PV to generate your power. Our solar solution can generate power on any scale.

Off-grid Solar PV systems are also called standalone systems and it consists of PV solar panels, a charge controller, a battery bank, and a PV inverter. This solution can work anywhere and they have many advantages which are economical, social and environmental, solar systems run without noise, pollution-free, reliable, zero operational cost, minimal maintenance and above all ensures energy independence.

We design off-grid solar PV solutions for residential, commercial and industrial applications such as;

  • Solar Powered Streetlight
  • Solar Systems for Telecommunications & Information Technology
  • Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems
  • Solar Vaccine Refrigerator
  • Solar Cathode Protection Systems
  • Solar Hybrid system for gas stations
  • Solar Rural Electrifications.
  • Solar Emergency Lighting Systems
  • Solar Captive Power Plant
  • Solar Mini-Grid Systems
  • Solar Rural Electrification



The challenges of providing reliable electricity for drive Africa and of course Nigeria economy is no doubt enormous, aside from the insufficient power supply from utility companies, fuelling the diesel generators that provide a not reliable alternative can be cumbersome, expensive and subject to scarcity. When electricity from a utility is unavailable or connecting to the grid is too expensive and unpredictable, the most cost-effective solution is to use solar PV solutions to generate your power. Our solar solution can generate power on any scale.


We design off-grid solar PV solutions for residential, commercial and industrial applications such as;

  • Solar Powered Streetlight
  • Solar Systems for Telecommunications & Information Technology
  • Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems
  • Solar Vaccine Refrigerator
  • Solar Cathode Protection Systems
  • Solar Hybrid system for gas stations
  • Solar Rural Electrifications.
  • Solar Emergency Lighting Systems
  • Solar Captive Power Plant
  • Solar Mini-Grid Systems
  • Solar Rural Electrification


‘We support your dream to be energy independent and never pay electricity bills’

” Our cost-effective PV solutions are suited for residential, commercial and industrial applications, we make PV solutions accessible to all levels of social divide and to promote as well advocate the use of renewable energy sources to protect the environment “.


(500KVA – 100MVA)

Outdoor Independent  Solar Power Plant

Our outdoor Independent Solar Power plant provides electricity to remote, offsite and offgrid locations. The containerized system is pre-installed and tested, ready to be delivered to your location like a conventional fossil fuel generator.

The system is designed to prevent theft as all the system components (inverters, batteries, charge controller, distribution panel) are well secured in a well-ventilated metal container while the solar array is securely installed on the container minimizing civil works.

These Solar Power Plants are scaled from 2KW to 5MW, we can, therefore, deploy 5KW, 10KW, 15KW, 20KW100KW, 500KW, 1MW, and 5 MW depending on the power requirement of your application. The output voltage can be single or three phases.

This cost-effective solution is suitable for outdoor, offsite, small or large scale power demand applications such as :

  • Telecommunications Base Stations
  • Offsite ATM Machines for Banks
  • Fuel dispensing Stations
  • Field Military Formations.
  • Real Estate
  • Rural Hospitals
  • Eco-Friendly Hotels
  • Farm settlement
  • Off-grid commercial and industrial applications


We generate  electricity through Solar energy source  to power  rural homes, rural clinics, religion center, community center, small cartage industries, etc, this solution takes three different formats as highlighted below

  • Solar Battery charge station ( SBCS)
  • Standalone system.
  • Distributed Solar Power Plant

Meanwhile, either or both designs can be implemented depending on the community settlement layout, concentrated, scattered or l settlement.

Solar  Battery Charge Station (SBCS).        

SBCS is a centralized charging station where batteries are charged and recharged at a central location in a community {like a fuel station} where users can recharge their storage battery at the control and subsidized price.  The beneficiaries will be provided with equipment that will exclude the solar modules; these pieces of equipment are of two models.

  • Model: GP/RP01. – Basic system
  • Model: GP/RP02. – Standard system.

    Please note that these models were designed based on our projections, we can design models to meet your requirements.

    Either of this equipment will be installed at the users’ resident, the user will be recharging their storage battery at the SBCS.

    It is recommended that one charging station can support 50 households depending on capacity.




This is a typical solar homes system which provides charging facility at individual household contrary to the battery charging stations where a user must take their storage battery to the station for a recharge. Here the storage battery receives charges every day from the solar cell installed on the roof. This system is restricted to only two models in this proposal due to its relatively higher procurement cost.  This system design is a more sustainable option because users do not have to worry about moving the storage battery form their homes to BCS for recharge.

Distributed (Mini Grid) Standalone System

We generate the electricity at a central point in the community and distribute accordingly through a mini-grid to power rural homes, public facilities and street lights

Our Solar standalone solution can be used to bridge the energy gaps and to address energy poverty in rural communities, a hybrid system can also be designed to combine energy from the sun and energy from the wind using solar panels and wind turbines. This design is most appropriate for a fairly large rural community where the power requirement is high.

“helping to embrace a cleaner and environmentally friendly energy source like Solar in combating climate change and power shortage in Nigeria.”   “Our Solar Solutions help address SDG 7 and 10 which is access to clean and affordable energy and reduce inequality respectively”




Sunlight and water are essential to all life on earth.  GreenPower has combined these two vital factors in an exceptional pumping system: the Solar Powered Water Pumping System.  Solar Panels generate electricity directly from Sunlight, no fuel is needed.  This electricity is then used to pump water.  Solar-powered systems are especially suitable for areas that are not connected to the grid or have limited access.  Solar Water Pumping system has zero operating costs and low maintenance requirements which makes it an alternative to diesel-powered water systems in rural communities and agricultural settlements.

Reduced Running Costs

This is due to:

  • Elimination of diesel/petrol fuel costs
  • Elimination of diesel/petrol transportation costs
  • Lower pump maintenance costs
  • Reduced need for back-up generator where there are fuel supply or repair problems;


Although the initial capital cost of a solar-powered water pumping system is relatively higher, this cost is the only expense to be incurred in the entire life of the system since there are no running costs.  As a result, the solar system is cheaper in the long run than a diesel system.


Improved Water Supply

This is as a result of:

  • Elimination of maintenance of generators
  • Elimination of fuel quality problems
  • Greater pump reliability
  • Better systems performance


Long Term Benefits

This is a result of:

  • Longer equipment life (solar array 25 years,).  The only moving part in the solar water pumping system is a hermetically sealed stainless steel ac motor that drives the pump. The brushless motor used eliminates periodic servicing.  If servicing is ever necessary, the simplicity of the entire system and the accessibility of the motor make it a simple matter.  The only maintenance required by the solar array is periodic wiping off the dust from the surfaces of the panels.
  • Reduced logistical problems arising from non-availability of working generators
  • Reduced logistical problems arising from system shut-downs
  • Long Term reliability








Generators are commonly used to provide power beyond the public utility supply.


We have several economic studies concerning the economics of solar versus generators as a power choice.  These studies consider all costs involved: modules, mounting structure, pumps, miscellaneous components, installation, operation, maintenance, yearly inspection, component replacement, and salvage value.  With this, we can determine a life cycle cost and a present value.


Solar pump systems cost more initially than generator systems but tend to be far more economical in the long run.


  • Solar
  • Electric
  • Power
  • systems







Diesel (or gas)




  • Low maintenance
  • Clean
  • No fuel needed
  • Easy to install
  • Reliable long life
  • Low recurrent costs

The system is modular and can be  matched closely to need



  • Moderate capital costs
  • Can be portable
  • Extensive experience available

Easy to install







  • The relatively high initial cost


  • Needs maintenance and replacement
  • Maintenance often inadequate, inadequate, reducing life
  • Fuel often expensive and supply intermittent
  • Noise, dirt and fume problem

Site visits necessary


Recently in Nigeria, unreliable and inconsistent electricity from the grid has made rubbish the importance of street lighting, therefore we have.

Solar-powered streetlight design by us can provide adequate illumination to your premises and parking lots for 12 hours a night, 7 days a week, day in day out for years with little or no maintenance required.


The benefit of this system cannot be overemphasized, there are economic benefits, social benefits, environmental benefits, technological benefits just to mention but a few

However, the summary of the benefit you can derive from our solar security light is highlighted as follows


  • Environmental friendly as the system does not emit any fume, toxic or non-toxic to the environment.
  • Zero operational cost. (i.e X amount spent on diesel monthly will be reduced by up to 50%)
  • Equipment long life span, ( modules are over 25 years, batt over 5 years, LED over

18,000 hours or 4 years)

Other Benefits:

  • No dredging through existing road, sidewalks or landscape
  • Automatic operations (dusk-to-dawn )
  • Easily and quickly deployed in almost any location.
  • NO wiring run from the grid
  • NO cuts through existing roads, sidewalks or landscaping.
  • Little or NO Maintenance
  • NO Utility bill
  • Full system warranty. ( 1 year)



Solar Direct Drive refrigerators deliver the same reliable performance as the mains-powered version without any need for battery storage during off-peak operations, that is overnight or in low light conditions.

This refrigerators guarantee never to freeze vaccines and never to expose them to elevated temperatures. Vaccines are kept safe in the absence of any power supply for days, and days, at a constant 43°C ambient.

We partner with Surechill,  the world’s best innovative cooling technology company to deliver a wide range of Solar Direct Drive SDD refrigerators to meet everyday cooling needs across different sectors.

  • Medical                                             
  • Afri-food
  • beverage
  • Retail
  • Animal production
  • Home appliances

The most innovative new cold chain technology of the year”

Sure Chill was named as the award winner at the prestigious Global Cold Chain Forum in Boston, USA. The award, which received entries from around the world, was judged by a panel of industry-leading experts from Merck, Novartis, US Pharmacopeia and others.


Energy cost saving

The greater value in Sure Chill technology is the flexibility it allows to draw power from renewable sources when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing or to draw mains power at times of the day when it is more cost-effective/convenient to do so.

Hybrid Solar Solution

GreenPower GP Hybrid power Plant is designed to reduce the operational cost associated with diesel & gas turbines and ensure regular sustainable power supply to off-takers in industries and residential estates. Our Hybrid Power Plant effectively combine diesel or gas plant with renewable energy sources like photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind, whether for mini-grid or a large commercial application, GreenPower is adequately experienced and positioned to design, install and commission a power plant suitable for your specific needs.





Solar PV Energy Storage Power Station

GreenPower GP Energy storage solution can be used to increase energy independence for homeowners, Businesses, Residential and Industries Estates, etc by utilizing a density containerized energy battery bank to store and supply power as at when needed. This solution is most suitable for organizations with high power demand such as Hospitals, Universities, utility companies, Government and commercial buildings, factories, etc. 

 To optimize self-consumption, the battery is automatically charged and discharged to meet consumption needs and reduce the amount of power purchased from the grid and also ensures sustainability

This solution adopts all-in-one integration technology. Its inverter adopts an integrated DC distribution cabinet design with a smaller footprint, which greatly shortens the construction time of power plants. Its transportation, installation, and maintenance are one-stop completed.

Our PV Energy Storage Power station offers a profitable, long-term investment with comparatively low risk and short time Return on Investment. What energy audit of your facilities? its free call Now.